On Friday, we will have the chance to meet representatives of the Washington Capitals! Please remember to bring in your yellow form tomorrow.

What are you looking forward to on Friday? Share your ideas here for 1 ticket tomorrow!
Yesterday the fifth graders read an article about texting and driving and determined the problem that was identified in the article. We discussed that identifying the problem and solution in a text helps us become better readers, helps us understand the text, and helps us remember the text. We also discussed that the author may propose a solution, but we can form our own solutions as well.

Sometimes we are left with questions after reading and yesterday we formed three. I will list two. Who remembers the third question? Who has further questions?
Ticket Challenge: Find the answer to one of the questions and earn one ticket on Monday!

They are the following:
Which 6 states have not banned texting and driving?
How many people die every day from texting and driving?

Click on the picture below to read the article!
This week we focused on word choice. Yesterday we formulated a list of synonyms for colors. Ticket Challenge: Write a descriptive sentence including context clues.